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13.03.2024 (Wednesday)

Vertex algebras in SUSY QFT across dimensions

Triangular Seminar Mykola Dedushenko (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)

16:30 QMUL
room David Sizer Lecture Theatre

I will describe a construction relating the Vertex Operator Algebra (VOA) of a 4d N=2 superconformal field theory (SCFT) to the boundary VOA in 3d N=4 QFT, and to the VOA in 2d QFT. Besides unifying several known constructions, this also draws connections to many other interesting problems, among which are the novel rank-zero 3d N=4 SCFTs emerging in the high-temperature limit of a 4d SCFT "on the second sheet".

28.10.2021 (Thursday)

Quantum algebras and SUSY interfaces in Bethe/gauge correspondence

Journal Club Mykola Dedushenko (SUNY, Stony Brook)

15:45 Other
room Zoom, instructions in abstract

I will describe my work with N.Nekrasov on supersymmetric interfaces in gauge theories in the context of the Bethe/gauge correspondence. These interfaces, viewed as operators on the Hilbert space, give linear maps between spaces of SUSY vacua, understood mathematically as generalized cohomology theories of the Higgs branch. A natural class of interfaces are SUSY Janus interfaces for masses, with the corresponding cohomological maps being either the stable envelopes or the chamber R-matrices (both due to Maulik-Okounkov and Aganagic-Okounkov). Thus, such interfaces (and their collisions) can be used to define actions of the spectrum generating algebras (such as Yangians) on the “gauge” side of the Bethe/gauge correspondence, i.e., in QFT. Further applications and possible generalizations will be mentioned as well. ------------------- Part of the London Integrability Journal Club. Please register at if you are a new participant. The link will be emailed on Tuesday.